
The Open Road

The open road is the best school teacher. Until you've taken 1000 trips across the country, how can you pretend to know what it's like? Unless you've grown up learning from the school of hard knocks like I have, what do you know about life anyways? The ivory halls of some academic institution won't teach you half of what I learned in a day on the road. Education and philosophy are learned one day, one mile at a time as you work hard with your hands to provide for your family. Period. Original


Never went to your dumb church. Never saw the point. Stay out of my life and I'll stay out of yours. Original

My sweet ride

Check it out: Original

Do these kill me? Who cares.

Seriously, though, who wants to live forever? Original

Stinking Kids are asking for Money Again

Moneybags dad. Is that all I am?
Where I'll be tonight. You can keep your dumb religion. I'll be a the corner "church" making a sacrifice to the sweet nectar of the gods. Bottoms up. Original
Check out the new paint job on my rig. Original Image